2024-2025 Executive Board President: Marge Overholtz Vice President: Lorene Shapiro Secretary: Michele Allen Treasurer: Penny Bartlett Chairpersons Programs: Conny Doty Claire Allen Sunshine: Karen Lovely Newsletter/Website: Eileen Mattingly Facebook/Historian Pam Mulveyhill Website: Gail Goraj Librarian: Ann Giuggio Sunshine: Karen Lovely Hospitality: Mary Ann Bowman, Gail Goraj Ann Giuggio, Pat Wahlberg Membership: Deborah Winograd Comfort Quilts: Pat Arcese Deborah Winograd Raffle Tickets Permit & Ticket Printing: Marilyn DeCoste Selling at Meetings: Marilyn DeCoste Raffle Quilt 2025 Marge Overholtz Deb Winograd, Mary Ann Karpinski Raffle Quilt 2026 Members Barnstable County Fair: Michele Allen, Dottie Sullivan Karen Schlueter Secret Sister: Micki Tor Ways & Means: Pat Wahlberg, Deborah Winograd and members Monthly Raffle: Micki Tor Mystery Quilt: 2024-2025 Penny Bartlett AccuQuilt GO Cutter and dies Penny Bartlett Fabric Photos Deb Winograd |
About Us
The Holly Berry Quilters' Guild was founded in 1985 by Suzanne McMillan, along with several of her quilting friends. They decided that they would like to meet, quilt together and enjoy each other's company. Suzanne secured permission to meet in the conference room of the Barnstable County Fairgrounds (now Cape Cod Fairgrounds).. An announcement was placed in the local newspaper that a meeting would be held and that all interested quilters would be welcome. Approximately 18 quilters attended. For the first six months, the quilters met ever two weeks, working on their own projects and helping each other with problems. Because the group was growing quickly it was apparent that some order needed to be established. After much discussion the group decided to become a non-profit organization. Suzanne was elected the first president in 1986 and Holly Berry Guild was born. This dynamic group continues to meet twice a month, and in addition to sharing a knowledge and love of quilts, they support the Barnstable Fair Scholarship fund with a yearly quilt raffle. The guild also donates quilts to various worthy causes on the Cape. New members are always graciously welcomed. Information provided by Kaye Schnell |